Marathon Wealth Management

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Inspiration for Women Experiencing Empty Nest Syndrome

Jan 1 Written By Melinda Satterlee

Are you wondering what to do in your next phase of life?

I was inspired by a friend of mine who started her own linen business after raising her two boys.  As the last of my four children entered college, I began looking around for something to fill my time.  My friend offered me a job to work part time in her linen warehouse. While I ironed, packed, and shipped product I had the opportunity to observe how she ran her business. She loved what she was doing and watching her turn her passion into a sustainable business was inspiring. So, as I stood ironing linen napkins and tablecloths, I began to daydream about what I would do if I started my own business.

Daydreaming is good.

My daydreaming led me to start Marathon Wealth Management. Before motherhood I was a financial advisor for one of the largest wealth management firms in the U.S. I continued to work as I had my children but it was very demanding to run a household, manage three kids, and manage client portfolios. Then came my fourth! I had to choose…manage portfolios or manage my home. I chose to stay home and give up my career. It was a hard decision to make and I think many moms find themselves in the same conflicted position. 

Advice for Young Moms.

As I start my own business after 20 years of motherhood, my advice to stay-at-home moms is to keep your dreams simmering-don’t forget them. There will come a time when you will be able to pursue them. If possible, start pursuing them once your kids are in school.  Because, before you know it your kids will be grown and you will be wondering what to do next.  Whatever your dream, as you go after it you will be demonstrating courage to your kids and this will teach them more than any book or chore chart could ever do about perseverance and success. I do believe my kids are watching me and how I navigate this new venture and I hope to inspire them to chase their own dreams no matter how long it takes!

Do what you love and success will follow.

 My friend followed her passion to create beautiful things and now runs a very successful company-Crown Linen Designs:  Her linens have been featured at a Jonas brother wedding, in the home of a Beverly Hills Housewife and all over the country. I may be just starting my venture, but I have a lot of inspiration to keep me going!

If you would like to learn more about my journey and how I can help you, please feel free to reach out and schedule a call.