Scared You Will Run Out of Money?

 The Halloween season is full of scary movies, scary costumes, and for some of us, scary weather!  Fortunately, these frights last only a season.  However, the fear of running out of money, or not having enough, can last a lifetime.

 How, as women, do we combat this fear?  How do we crawl out of the dark space of the unknown to feeling bright about our future?  Begin by taking these three steps:

1) Pause

2) Plan

3) Practice

PAUSE: Life is a rush, so hit the Pause button.  Take a moment to review where you are spending your time and money.  Ask yourself, do my expenditures line up with my goals and values?  E.g., spending on fun adventures with those you love or investing toward your future.  Or is your life so busy that you live day by day, not really knowing where your money and time are going?   

 PLAN: Once you’ve paused and have a better understanding of your current situation, think about where you want to be in one year, five years, or twenty.  Then figure out how you are going to get there.  When you have a plan, you become laser focused and intentional about how you spend and save.  If you need ideas on how to plan, take a course on budgeting, investing, or hire someone who has the planning tools to help you get from point A to point B. 

PRACTICE: Put your plan in to practice.  Once you have your plan, start implementing it right away.  A plan is only as good as its execution.

As Stephen King, one of the most prolific horror writers of our day, put it, “Fear can hold you prisoner.  Hope, can set you free.”  Are you ready to be set free?  If so, PAUSE, and contact me here for a complimentary evaluation. I love piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of my clients’ financial lives replacing fear with hope.


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